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August 6, 2024

The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet

Alyssa Limperis

In this episode of The Conversation, Amanda sits down with comedian Alyssa Limperis to delve into the complex emotions surrounding loss and grief. Both Amanda and Alyssa share the common experience of losing their fathers to cancer, and they explore how they have coped with this unimaginable loss and the impact it had on their lives. Alyssa discusses her comedy show, “No Bad Days” where she bravely incorporates humor into her reflections on losing her father. They explore the role of comedy in processing grief and the balance between laughter and sorrow. Amanda shares insights into her upcoming project centered around death and dying, exploring different perspectives and approaches to navigating these complex topics. Their candid reflections and shared experiences offer hope and understanding to those grappling with loss.


  • [1:00] Amanda and Alyssa discuss their shared grief of losing their dads
  • [2:30] Alyssa shares how her special, “No Bad Days,” was conceived and how she navigated her father’s death and illness
  • [7:35] Alyssa’s show was born from watching her dad die with strength and a discussion on how the subject of death is taboo
  • [8:05] Hospice was there for both Amanda and Alyssa, and discussion of a death doula
  • [16:34] Alyssa admitted she couldn’t stop herself from talking about her dad and how she brought the conversation into her comedy shows
  • [23:22] Amanda discusses a project she is working on about death and dying, and Alyssa talks about the stories she is compelled to tell
  • [25:20] “No Bad Days” is streaming on Peacock 


  • There aren’t words to describe what it is like when you lose your father in death. It doesn’t matter if it’s unexpected or an illness. You can’t put your emotions into words.
  • Humans do a disservice to themselves and their families when they don’t talk about death and take the steps to prepare for death. Everyone will die; we need to talk about it.
  • Hospice is a wonderful organization that can help you navigate the death of a family member.


Alyssa Limperis - Website

Alyssa Limperis - Instagram

“No Bad Days” - Streaming on Peacock